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Should you choose to accept...

Sometimes allusions are just easter eggs, like all those A113 signs or Pizza Planet trucks in Pixar movies. Other times, like with Ready Player One they exist for the WOW factor, heavily induced by nostalgia. At the time of crafting this prompt, we’re living in an age of nostalgia driven media - the Disney live action remakes, television series updating 80’s franchises like Netflix’s Carmen Sandiego (2019) or She-Ra and the Princess of Power (2018), or the inclusion of melodies and lyrics from older songs in modern ones (ie.- the “Tom’s Diner” melody in Fall Out Boy’s “Centuries”).

  1. Analysis: From a practicing cultural studies theorist, what do you think about this current development? What does it say about the time of this writing (2018-2019)? Is this escapism? Is this an attempt to pass on the pleasures of our childhoods to a new generation? Is this an attempt to re-contextualize what we already know in the tumultuous social climate of the late 2010's?

  2. Composition: So you’ve a text from your childhood you LOVED - or one you just thought was cool or insightful - and have started to realize *gasp* the yuts of the future won’t be able to enjoy it like you did! But you have a chance to correct this egregious oversight. You’re a content creator (songs, YouTube series, film or television, comics/graphic novels, etc.)! You can just include allusions to your childhood text in your creation. Brilliant! So, what are you gonna do? Include a suspiciously David Tennant via the 10th Doctor from Doctor Who-esque looking recurring background character in your Pokémon game?

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